The basic idea of the exhibition with the prosaic title Inventura 2016 is to revive and re-present the works with the contribution of the young artists’ invention. As in the inventory, we wanted to find the true state of the depository, and in this transferred form we are reviewing the collection items, with the eyes of the emerging artistic generation. The selection of works from the depositary itself leads the authors to think about putting the works into the wider context of contemporary art as well as their own artistic practice.
Marta Fišerová, in her exhibition project for the Klatovy / Klenová Gallery, continues the dialogue with the drawing of Michal Ranný, one of the most unique Czech painter – landscape painter and graphic artist of the 70s. In her installation, the idea relies on two main points – the intimate and general plane. In the context of the global environmental issues, it addresses the basic problems of human resource management and her installation affects the fundamental questions about the scarcity and pollution of drinking and seawater. If this upper shale partially opens, we find a much more intimate position consisting of the author’s authentic memories of childhood, when as then home, brings from her travels into the gallery space seawater: “I remember when I was a kid I used to bring from holidays the sea pebbles. At home, I put them in a bottle and added seawater to avoid losing its colour. Within a month, maybe more the content turn in to the seaweed. “And this almost lyrical position of the author, more than visual appropriation – the vertical layering of the material in the aquarium, approaching the creation of Michal Ranný, in whose creation we find the familiar tight interconnection of nature and its melancholic observer.
Petra Mazáčová, curator
Group exhibition Inventura, Gallery of the White Unicorn, Klatovy, Czech Republic 2016
Curator: Petra Mazáčová, Michal Lazorčík
Photo by Pavel Matoušek
The last image is documentation of Michal Ranný ink on paper called Sea.
The artwork is in the collection of Klatovy/Klenová Gallery.